Empangeni Jumu'ah Masjid

The Empangeni Muslim Society Trust (EMS) was formed in 1989, and initially used a rented store room in Union Street as a Mussalah for a few years. By the Grace of Allah (SWT) we were blessed with a Musjid in 1998, when the Empangeni Jumah Musjid was completed. It was the first Musjid to be built in Empangeni, and one of the early two or three in the Zululand area, and still remains a central point for Muslims of the area, as well as a convenient Salaah stop for travellers.

The Empangeni Muslim Society is affiliated to Jamiatul Ulema (KZN). We currently employ two Ulema, and a further four Apas in the Madressah. A Hifz class is offered, as well as a Maktab. EMS also performs the duties of arranging additional lectures by our Senior Ulema, and other community duties, including hosting Jamaat and Khanqaa programmes. Ghusal facilities are also available.

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Contact Us

Google Maps
26 North Rd
P: 083 326 7869
P: 082 775 0786
E: rawat1@outlook.com

Ml Sulaiman Kadir

P: 081 232 2550
E: skadir1979@gmail.com

Ml Muhammad Noorgat

P: 076 766 0139

Abdullah ibne Umar (RA) narrates: Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Salaah in congregation is twenty seven times more in value and virtue, than Salaah offered individually" (Muslim)

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Whoever adores the Masjid, Allah adores him!" (Tabarani)

Anas bin Malik (RA) narrates that he heard Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم saying: "A person who in all sincerity is constant in his Salaah with 'Jamaat' for forty days, without missing the first Takbir, receives two awards: one for deliverance from Hell and the other for freedom from Nifaq" (Tirmizi)

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated he heard Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم saying: "I wish I could ask the boys to collect a huge quantity of firewood for me, and then I would go around and set fire to the dwellings of those who say their Salaah at their own houses without any excuse" (Muslim)

Listen to the T-Rex:

Aishah (RA) narrates: Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم ordered us to build Masaajid in the various localities, and to clean and perfume them. (Abu Dawud)

Contribute towards the house of Allah Ta'ala and earn Sawaab e Jaariah (continuous rewards)

Banking Details: (LILLAH ONLY)

Acc name: Empangeni Muslim Society
Account no: 52160031607
Branch code: 220130

Proof of payment: mirawat@telkomsa.net